Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"This Too Shall Pass"

A couple of years ago I signed up for Yolanda Adams' mailing list. They sent me a note today. I didn't pay attention at first. But God gave me the good sense to give it a second look.

The message contained a link for Yolanda's latest video, "This Too Shall Pass". (It's also available on her site.) What a blessing!! This song couldn't have come to me at a better time.

I attended a funeral earlier today. It was for someone who used to be very close to me. I loved her dearly. And though we live(d) in the same small town, I haven't seen her for a few years. All I could think coming home from the service is, "What is wrong with me?". Too much time was wasted, and now it's too late.

And then there's my career. After a few months of working as a substitute teacher, I believe it's time to move on. I would love to have my own classroom. I pine away for it. Dream about it.

To compound matters, I live with someone who seems dedicated to harassing me about my conviction to remain true to myself. No one wants to hire me, supposedly, because of my short, nappy, natural hair.

The animosity that I have come to endure is from someone who has never been in the interviewinterviews with me. She has no idea of the anxiety that I feel.

I have an interview tomorrow for a position. Do you know what I've been doing? Studying, as though in preparation for an exam.

And pass or fail, I am confident that over 50% of my responses will sound intelligent.

I'm so glad I listened to "This Too Shall Pass". Because one day, when I'm hired and this time is over, I shall laugh at the pain. For now there are moments when all I want to do is cry. And I'm tired of those.

I need to get beyond this place. Beyond where I am professionally and personally. Not having a steady job can be nerve-wracking. For, I know that God is carrying me. Yet when I fall on hard times, I feel as though I am about to break. And I'm tired of feeling so fragile.

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