Monday, November 28, 2005

Accept no substitutes!

Unless you're dealing with me, of course. ;)

I'm now officially on the substitute/supply teacher circuit. And let me tell you, it's wonderful. At least, thus far.

Although I do not have to plan any lessons for the students I meet each day, I'm developing other skills...Such as attendance taking, and general classroom management. You may laugh, but I take these duties seriously. Before my very first day on the job, one of my major worries involved attendance taking -- would I pronounce all of the students' names properly,would the students answer to their names or make attempts to confuse me, would the sheet get taken to the office in time, etc., etc.

Sorry to be neglecting my blog. I wanted to start a musicians' series featuring a few of my favorite artists. Time will tell if I can manage to get 'er off the ground...

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