Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Virgin Territory - The 411

I figured that perhaps some of you are curious about the sidebar item entitled "Virgin Territory".

What's it for?

I've decided to devote at least a small segment of my page to show some support to blogs that support abstinence or chastity. Either through their themes, or the nature of their author's lifestyles.

The pendulum has swung a little too far for my liking.

Back in the day, if you had sex out of wedlock you were a terrible person.

These days, if you're not doing "it" with someone or simply anyone at all...Somehow, you're the odd one out. You're lacking...Something. Supposedly.

What the media and most of society fails to acknowledge is the fact that a commitment to chastity--whether for religious reasons or otherwise--is the norm for many individuals.

And we are not necessarily throwing ourselves pity parties every night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can I be added to your list of blogs that support abstinence?