Friday, April 02, 2004

I'm IN!

You know, there are more than enough things in this world that drive me crazy, and make me angry, upset, etc.

Rather than rant passionately about those things right now, I'll spend a few secs talking about Teachers' College.

Forget all that crap I wrote the other day about not giving a #$*% about getting in.

I've gone through many peaks and valleys while waiting to hear what various schools had to say. I received my first reply in the mail yesterday. A certain school sent me more than a mere "No thank you." I was given the big boot. I was absolutely, positively, you'll-never-get-in-here-so-don't-even-try-it rejected. And though I thought I wouldn't give a damn, I did. First I pouted. Then I went grocery shopping. I ate all but a sliver of a medium-sized pizza in less than 15 minutes. Thankfully, my metabolism is fast enough to keep my body in check.

Today I said a prayer as I walked home. I figured I couldn't take it if I received yet another rejection. I figured God could at least give me a weekend to feel good about myself. But I knew the schools had to send me something. And as I drew closer to the house, I started to frown. The mailbox was ajar. Clearly our mailman had been there. The lid on our box doesn't just flop down after someone opens it. Although it`s a new box, the lid is stiff and stubborn. I knew someone had come by. But lo, nothing was poking out. Needless to say, I steeled myself. I reviewed the typical mail-recipient's logic:

You know the deal--small envelopes are easily hidden in the confines of your mailbox. They often contain useless things, like bills and rejection letters.

Large envelopes containing things like catalogues and university acceptance packages can't be contained in a regular box. They poke out, often hanging over the box's rim.

Needless to say, I let out a heavy sigh as I approached my mailbox. But I looked in and found...A HUGE envelope. I've been accepted at at least one school! :) It's raining outside and...My mailman didn't want the danged thing to get wet.

Ya gotta love those mailmen! :)

Will let y'all know how the rest goes...

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