Monday, March 12, 2007

Last night...

At church, one of our pastors preached a sermon that really humbled me.

We're continuing our series on the prophets. Yesterday, we heard about Jonah.

A few of my favorite quotes...

"Even though we have been saved from the grave by the wish of a fish, we really don't want it to happen to anyone else." - David

This was the heart of the message that touched me: Sometimes we can be selfish in our desire for God to show His mercy. Save us. Be good to us...Never mind our neighbours.

We humans are a selfish bunch.

Here's another statement, based on Rich Mullins words:

"There's a wideness in God's mercy that I cannot find in my own."

"There is a wideness in God's mercy that I must find in my own."

Those last words were said by Pastor David McGhee.

The Lord wants us to look at our ugliness...and allow Him to change it for His glory.

1 comment:

Bijoy said...

interesting stuff you have got here keep up the good work.kewl blog nice article be in touch and keep up the good work

regards Biby - Blog