Thursday, September 21, 2006

"This I know..."

Do you remember being a child in Bible School, singing, "Jesus loves me, this I know..."?

I do.

It is only now at 30, that I am coming to a greater understanding of my purpose in His world.

I believe I am here to contribute to a community of believers and to be...Busy.

That sounds simple enough. Silly, even. Yet I've lived my life the opposite way with little satisfaction. I have lived selfishly and secretly. In today's world, they overuse the terms "being a recluse" or "private person" to explain this phenomenon.

And what have I contributed to any community, let alone a Christian one? While in Toronto, for a time, I gave a bit of my time...I formed friendships with other Christians. Yet here at home? Nothing.

With God's help, that will change soon.

He is opening my eyes. For years I have been SO sure that I could not be happy unless I moved away. But bit by bit, I am learning that that is not necessarily the case.

I never thought I'd say this. But today I was at a point where I failed to see the point in forging ahead with my agenda. I actually said, "I don't think I want to leave". And who knows? Perhaps here in my small town...Maybe this is exactly where God wants me to be.

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