Tuesday, February 28, 2006

You're kidding me, right? RIGHT?

One of my favorite authors, Josh Harris, has two younger brothers. They have a blog.

I just read this entry, and I'm still stunned by the details. Apparently, down the road, Ms. Stacy Dow, of Scotland, might have a talk with her daughter explaining her existence. For, you see, young Jayde was born by accident due to an unsuccessful abortion. (She's suing the hospital and everything.) The Harris boys quote another blogger's solemn commentary. He says, "Try to imagine the conversation..."

And in truth, as soon as I read that, my mind actually considered such an absurdity.

Stacy (to Jayde): Honey, I have tragic news regarding your birth. The doctors screwed up. They were only able to abort your twin sister, but somehow they made a mistake when it came to you...You shouldn't even be here in the first place.
Where is this woman's head? How could she possibly think that these circumstances warrant a mother-daughter talk?

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