Thursday, December 30, 2004


It's been a long time since I've written about anything spiritual--the things that matter to me most. For that, I apologize.

Lately, I've been thinking about joining a church. I've got one in my crosshairs. We'll see how it goes.

It's so weird...Confronting this spiritual struggle inside...

But I crave clarity in my life. And the times when I've been at my best--even when circumstances were at their worst--were when I attempted to maintain some sort of spiritual focus. Which is easier (or harder) to do than you think when you don't have a regular home church to attend.

I have a Bible. Actually, if you count the ones I have at my Mom's house, I have several. Right now I use a NLT Touchpoint Bible. I'm kind of pissed, because although I love it to death, I cannot find my King James Version.

It was black. It was leather-bound. It fit in my purse, and I bought it to Toronto expressly so I could read it whenever, wherever. (A Bible makes for great subway reading. Of course, I live within walking distance of most everything I need...)

*frustrated sigh*

I know the atheists out there might think I'm talking about nothing. But to me, that Bible was really something. Wherever the h-e-double-hockey-sticks* it is.


*And no. I don't feel like swearing. I'm writing about my Bible for Pete's sake. :p

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