Saturday, October 23, 2004


I read he's just not... in one evening. Common sense dispensed in a cool, funny fashion.

I identified with a few of its scenarios. Others left me saying, "Lord, I pray I'm never that desperate."

Overall, IMO, HJNTIY is a good book.

It's perfect for the woman in your life who keeps wasting time pursuing pointless half-assed relationships.

You know the one. You wanna smack her or shake her 'cause you know she's worth more than what she's putting up with. And as for you and all of those not-so-subtle hints you've been dropping about her guy?

She just does not. get. IT.

And you're stupefied because, otherwise, girlfriend is brilliant?

That woman?

Surely you can drop $20--or in Canada, a cool $30--and get her an early Christmas present.

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