Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sticky, sticky, licky, licky

There are many gestures that our culture considers rude. Giving someone the "finger".... "Mooning".

But the disgust some folks feel over sticking out one's tongue has always eluded me. I've always taken it as a non-verbal "Nyah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah". Nothing more.

However Laura Bush finds it extremely inappropriate. The pic I posted is of her daughter, Jenna. Here's the story, in which Mrs. B. airs her disgust.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't consider the girl's actions that offensive. Silly? Yes. But nothing worth CNN's time.

Then again, this is an election year. Every stray thread must be held accountable.

1 comment:

Rodney Olsen said...

She's not sticking her tongue out. She's licking something off the window.