Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Jesus Walks

I don't write about music as much as I would like. It moves me. It soothes me. And if I actually could summon enough patience and discipline, I'd probably be pursuing a career.

Last night I heard something that I never thought I would. Jesus Walks by Kanye West. In the last verse, he says,"They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus/That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes..."

It's true and I'm tired of it.

I don't think people talk about God nearly as much as they should. I'm not thinking of Him in a preachy, patronizing context. But as a real entity in their lives. A concept that they struggle with. Or a deity they revere.

ETA: I should point out that it's not a tender gospel track. But hopefully it'll get some people talking. And thinking.

So...In this age of pimps and afterparties...Thank you, Kanye, for rapping about something that actually matters.

1 comment:

the management said...

I can't agree more. I try to live it daily.