Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Drama class went off without a hitch. Thanks to Mr. J and his fabulous, fabulous kids. They've got such energy, and passion...And ENERGY. If I didn't love 'em, I'd be scared.

In other news, I ordered a ton of provincial curriculum documents. They're available online, mostly for free. (I did a one-word search: "curriculum".) The only books I'm concerned with @ this point are the high school English and Arts guidelines.

But I fear one thing: Will this curriculum cramp my style? Will it keep me from teaching my kids the way I want to?

And will I ever get used to being called "Miss"? It happpened again today. The answer is still "No".

I know I'm being whimsical and nice. For now. But trust me. Heavier rants are coming.

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